Lisa... et les Elfes
Accompagnatrice en montagne
Passionnée de trail, de montagne
de mer & de grands espaces
Un accueil chaleureux et personnalisé
Accompagnatrice en montagne & Guide en Islande
Je vous accueille chez moi, aux confins de l'Islande.
Immersion dans une nature préservée
Vivre une expérience corporelle forte, s'immerger dans les éléments qui nous entourent, découvrir des activités sportives avec un parfum d’aventure
Dans un milieu naturel préservé, grandiose, que l’on apprend à connaître en allant à sa rencontre.
Un camp de base vivant, foyer de partage
Amatrice de piano et clarinette, de poésie et autres formes de littérature
je partage ma bibliothèque (très éclectique), mes instruments de musique
et toute sorte de matériel pour partager mes passions avec tous ceux qui me rendent visite
Accompagnatrice en Montagne depuis 2015
Docteur (PhD) en sociologie des loisirs sportifs & geographie
Ecole Normale Supérieure en Sciences du Sport et Education Physique
Master 2 en Tourisme Durable et Dynamique Territoriales
Master 1 en Management des Organisations sportives
Expériences professionnelles
Accompagnatrice en Montagne et Guide en Islande
Consultante en développement local et management des activités de loisir et de tourisme
Directrice d'Office de Tourisme de montagne
Chercheur et enseignante à l'Université
Résultats sportifs
Septembre 2018 - Vainqueur du Þriþraut Craft (Triathlon) à Ísafjörður
Août 2018 - Sæunnarsund, traversée à la nage du fjord Önundarfjörður (3 km)
Juillet 2018 - Vainqueur du Hlaupahátið - Trail de 45 km (2ème meilleure performance féminine de l'épreuve)
2009 - 2018 - Vainqueur de plusieurs courses en montagne en France
2014 - Finisher de la Transjurassienne (70 km cross-country skiing, skating)
2007 -Vainqueur des Championnats de France par équipe de cross-country (Grandes Ecoles)
2007 - 3ème des Championnats de France de Raid Multisport
2002 - 2006 - Athlétisme, cross-country
Amatrice de : Natation, VTT, Ski de randonnée, Kayak de mer, Alpinisme, Escalade
Since ever I've been trying to combine my passions and to share it.
Being in nature has always been a need for me as well as feeling the way I could move in endlesses areas with my own power.
In the same time, my willingness to protect the nature for itself raised day after day.
During my studies, I invariably kept in mind the ambition to share my love of sport and nature as well as the eager to protect this nature.
Year after year, I chose my orientations to stick to those desires. I entered the french sport university and then the "Ecole Normale Supérieure" in Sport Sciences and Physical Education to learn all the sciences linked to sport and physical education.
From then on I developed step after step projects around outdoor recreation and environmental protection.
This lead me to complete a Master's Degree in Sustainable tourism and territorial dynamics.
The year after I began a PhD about oudoor recreation and environmental concerns, while teaching at university. During my research, I got more and more interested in sociology of innovation and management processes, which is essential when thinking of environmental concerns and outdoor activities.
After several years working in french universities, I felt the need to go out of those institutions to try to act more directly on the field. That's why I became consultant and mountain guide.
In the time the village I was living in, in the French Alps - La Grave la Meije - faced a major crisis, I decided to be even more locally committed and I became the headmaster of the local tourist office. The main access to the touristic remote village remained closed for a couple of years and we had to build up new strategies of coping.
In the same time I fell in love with the Westfjords in Iceland. I began to guide around the island and finally decided to settle in Flateyri.
Since then on, I've tried to share my love of this very special area of Iceland and to reconnect my professional activity to my everlasting desire of combining the share of ma passion of sport & nature as well as the preservation of natural environment.
I feel more than ever that environmental concerns should be seen as as many chances of innovating and developing renewed sources of creativity through the experiences we can live in nature, the body itself being the main medium.
Selárdalur 1, 431 Suðureyri, Islande
Chanté par Georges Brassens
Parolier, Gustave Nadaud